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This function retrieves the latent factors and their variable loadings which can be used as R objects to perform other analysis.



An R object obtained from exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using the fa function in psych package.


A data.frame, the raw data used to carry out the parallel analysis to obtain data object.


A list with the following components:


data.frame of latent factors based on the variables loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 1 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 2 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 3 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 3 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 5 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 6 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 7 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 8 with their loadings.


data.frame of variables in Latent factor 9 with their loadings.


#> Attaching package: ‘psych’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:ggplot2’:
#>     %+%, alpha
Data <- Quicksummary
GGn <- names(Data)
GG <- ncol(Data)
GGx <- c(paste0('x0', 1:9), paste("x", 10:ncol(Data), sep = ""))
names(Data) <- GGx
lll <- fa.parallel(Data, fm = 'minres', fa = 'fa')

#> Parallel analysis suggests that the number of factors =  5  and the number of components =  NA 
dat <- fa(Data, nfactors = lll[["nfact"]], rotate = "varimax",fm="minres")

model_factors(data = dat, DATA = Data)
#> Loadings:
#>     MR1    MR2    MR3    MR5    MR4   
#> x11  0.513                            
#> x12  0.611                            
#> x13  0.559                            
#> x20  0.556                            
#> x24  0.617                       0.527
#> x25  0.718                            
#> x26  0.595                            
#> x01         0.625                     
#> x02         0.783                0.541
#> x10         0.631                     
#> x28        -0.610                     
#> x04                0.740              
#> x05                0.792              
#> x06                0.720              
#> x08                0.594         0.452
#> x17                       0.667       
#> x18                       0.527       
#> x19                       0.592       
#> x03                              0.523
#> x07                       0.417       
#> x09                       0.403       
#> x14                                   
#> x15  0.480                            
#> x16                                   
#> x21  0.492                            
#> x22                              0.481
#> x23        -0.440                0.499
#> x27                              0.465
#> x29                                   
#>                  MR1   MR2   MR3   MR5   MR4
#> SS loadings    3.854 2.895 2.786 2.441 2.203
#> Proportion Var 0.133 0.100 0.096 0.084 0.076
#> Cumulative Var 0.133 0.233 0.329 0.413 0.489
#> $Latent_frame
#> # A tibble: 103 × 5
#>      MR1   MR2   MR3   MR4   MR5
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  16.7  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#>  2  18.6  6.28  2.99  9.76 10.4 
#>  3  16.3  3.23  2.99 11.5   9.22
#>  4  16.7  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#>  5  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#>  6  18.1  6.28  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#>  7  19.1  6.28  2.25 11.2   9.22
#>  8  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#>  9  18.1  5.65  2.99 11.2  10.4 
#> 10  19.1  6.28  2.25 11.2   9.22
#> # ℹ 93 more rows
#> $Latent_1
#>   MR1 loading
#> 1 x11   0.513
#> 2 x12   0.611
#> 3 x13   0.559
#> 4 x20   0.556
#> 6 x25   0.718
#> 7 x26   0.595
#> 8 x15   0.480
#> 9 x21   0.492
#> $Latent_2
#>   MR2 loading
#> 1 x01   0.625
#> 3 x10   0.631
#> 4 x28  -0.610
#> $Latent_3
#>   MR3 loading
#> 1 x04   0.740
#> 2 x05   0.792
#> 3 x06   0.720
#> $Latent_4
#>   MR4 loading
#> 1 x24   0.527
#> 2 x02   0.541
#> 3 x08   0.452
#> 4 x03   0.523
#> 5 x22   0.481
#> 6 x23   0.499
#> 7 x27   0.465
#> $Latent_5
#>   MR5 loading
#> 1 x17   0.667
#> 2 x18   0.527
#> 3 x19   0.592
#> 4 x07   0.417
#> 5 x09   0.403
#> $Latent_6
#> $Latent_7
#> $Latent_8
#> $Latent_9